celtic blessings
Celtic Blessings
52 blessings
Full colour images from Celtic lands
“At the back of our brains, so to speak, there is a forgotten blaze or burst of astonishment at our own existence. The object of the artistic and spiritual life is to dig for this submerged sunrise of wonder.”
G K Chesterton (1874 – 1936)
We are delighted to present The Little Book of Celtic Blessings written by Iain Tweedale and set against a background of evocative images of West Wales and South East Ireland.
What people say about these blessings:
“Just what I need today.” Sue Goulet, USA
“So uplifting.” Ailton Pinheiro Moreira, Portugal
“Love these blessings – they are so comforting in these days of fear, anger and uncertainty.” Christine O’Donnell, Australia
“Thank you. Beautiful thoughts.” Mariajen Quijano, Philippines
“It resonates so deeply with who we are at our core. A real lifeline!” Blake King, USA
“Absolutely lovely words. So true and I can identify with all of it.” Margaret McCarthy, UK
72 pages including cover
52 Blessings and 33 Double Page Images
£6 or €7 (plus postage)
Makes a great gift – just let us know if you want to send a copy to a friend.